This campaign was originally developed by the AIDS Coalition of Nova Scotia to fit with the 2018 UNAIDS World AIDS Day theme of “Know Your Status” and highlights the importance of effective testing.
In the past several years there have been a number of significant developments in HIV prevention leading to a more complete and nuanced understanding of the variables impacting HIV transmission. The Five Facts awareness campaign is about making those variables better known to the general public, so people can make better-informed decisions about their sexual health. Please feel free print copies of these posters, share them over social media and use them in your organizations, places of work, etc. Tell us about it and give us your feedback : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
AIDS Awareness Campaign 2015/16: Together we can stop HIV stigma
This campaign was developed by the AIDS Coalition of Nova Scotia, in partnership with the Northern Healthy Connection Society (formerly the Northern AIDS Connection Society), the Ally Centre of Cape Breton, Healing Our Nations, the Positive Women’s Network, the Gender and Health Promotion Studies Unit at Dalhousie University, and the Nova Scotia Advisory Commission on AIDS, in the fall 2015. The goal of the campaign is to raise awareness about the stigma people living with HIV face, as well as to raise awareness about HIV testing and risk.
To get copies of this campaigns materials please contact : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..